Prayers for The New School Year!
Well summer is winding down and soon the kiddos will be back to school. Are you ready for this yet mama’s? I remember having mixed feelings when my kids were little. Some days they drove you crazy and you couldn’t wait for school to start but then other days you didn’t want summer to end! Going back to school was always so hard to adjust to. No more sleeping in!!! Waking the kids up each and every morning is a chore in and of itself. The fights begin when they can’t decide what to wear, someone is hogging the bathroom, they can’t find their backpacks, etc etc etc…
Rushed mornings and almost missing the bus means they probably didn’t even eat breakfast.
I definitely don’t miss those days of raising my kids but I do miss when they were little!!! The hugs, the kisses, the I Love You Mama! Now I have 7 grandkids and the same routines are starting over and I DON’T HAVE to be the one yelling! 😂 Life can definitely be stressful raising little ones and I would have to remind myself OFTEN that they were only little and hadn’t been on this earth very long! They were still learning how to navigate through this life. So mama, when you are feeling stressed in the mornings trying to get the kids ready for school or daycare or whatever it may be, just breathe!!! Say a prayer! God hears each and every sigh! This too shall pass and in the blink of an eye you’ll be at their senior graduation wondering where did all the years go! Overall though the good days outweigh the bad days you may have and you will look back and say we MADE it!!! Only with the Good Lords Help!!!
I will be praying for all of you young mama’s and your little ones too that you will have a blessed school year!!!
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."